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The mission of the Embroiderers’ Guild of America is to inspire passion for the needle arts through education and the celebration of its heritage.
The Embroiderers’ Guild is a national organization, comprised of thirteen regions in the United States with one of those regions being the Tennessee Valley Region (TVR).
The Tennessee Valley Region encompasses Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee, Kentucky, and parts of Virginia and West Virginia. There are nineteen chapters - including the Cheekwood Chapter in Nashville - that make up the TVR and you can find the location of the chapter nearest you on the menu of the Regional organization at .
Or, if you don’t have a face-to-face chapter near you, online chapters are a great place to interact with other stitching friends or you may join as a member-at-large. See the National Website below for options for membership.
To learn more about EGA please visit the links below.
National Website linking to
About EGA linking to
Find an EGA Chapter linking to
EGA Events linking to
EGA Embroidery Classes linking to
EGA’s Library and Study Boxeslinking to
Contact EGA National Headquarters linking to
EGA’s Headquarters are located at 1205 East Washington Street, Suite 104, Louisville, KY, 40206.
Copyright: No part of this website may be published, reproduced, stored in, or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means whatsoever (including electronic, mechanical, photocopy) other than for personal or chapter/region use without written permission from the copyright holder
Written permission was given to display the photos on this website. The photos may not be reproduced in any way other than for personal or chapter/region use.
Copyright © 2019 EGA Cheekwood Chaper Nashville, TN - All Rights Reserved.